Quality of Venues*: Conferences are usually considered more prestigious than journals in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) discipline [See reference here]. The top two conferences in this area are CHI and CSCW, published in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI). In the ICTD field, the top conferences are ICTD and COMPASS (DEV). [Google Scholar ranking for HCI venues]
This page lists publications by year. My CV lists publications based on their peer-review rigor and archival status.
A. Bhattacharjee, M.R. Rifat, D. Das, S.M.T. Haque, and S.I. Ahmed. "Residual Mobilities and Religious Practices: Exploring the Experiences of the Hindu Migrants in Canada", ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW 2025). [accepted]
A Sultana*, D. Das*, S.B. Alam, M. Shidujaman, and S. I. Ahmed, "A Civics-oriented Approach to Understanding Intersectionally Marginalized Users' Experience with Hate Speech Online," International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2024). *=equal contribution, student author put first.
D. Das, "Identity Decolonization Amid the Coloniality of Computing", Doctoral Dissertation
D. Das, D. Gandhi, B. Semaan, "Reimagining Communities through Transnational Bengali Decolonial Discourse with YouTube Content Creators", ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2024).
M.R. Rifat*, D. Das*, A. Podder, M. Jannat, R. Soden, B. Semaan, S.I. Ahmed, "The Politics of Fear and the Experience of Bangladeshi Religious Minority Communities Using Social Media Platforms", ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2024)*= Equal contribution
D. Das, S. Guha, J. Brubaker, B. Semaan, "The "Colonial Impulse" of Natural Language Processing: An Audit of Bengali Sentiment Analysis Tools and Their Identity-based Biases", ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024).
D. Das, "Studying Multi-dimensional Marginalization of Identity from Decolonial and Postcolonial Perspectives", ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2023).
D. Das, P. Roy, C. Toxtli-Hernandez, K. Awori, M. Vigil-Hayes, M. Choudhury, N. Kumar, S. I. Ahmed, B. Semaan "Conceptualizing Indigeneity in Social Computing", ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2023).
M. R. Rifat, A. Bhimdiwala, A. Bhattacharjee, A. Batool, D. Das, N. J. Mim, A. H. Safir, S. Sultana, T. Akter, C. E. Smith, B. Semaan, S. Lazem, M. Muller, R. Soden, and S. I. Ahmed, "Many Worlds of Ethics: Ethical Pluralism in CSCW", ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2023).
D. Das, S. Guha, B. Semaan, "Toward Cultural Bias Evaluation Datasets: The Case of Bengali Gender, Religious, and National Identity", Workshop on Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP at The 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023).
V.K. Cannanure, D. Varghese, C. Rivera-Loaiza, F. Noor, D. Das, P. Jain, M. Chang-Rizzo, M. Wong-Villacres, N. Karusala, N. Ahmed, S. Till, B. Akhigbe, M. Densmore, S. Dray, C. Sturm, N. Kumar, "HCI Across Borders: Towards Global Solidarity", CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI 2023).
D. Das, "Decolonization through Technology and Decolonization of Technology", ACM international conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 2023).
D. Das, B. Semaan, "Collaborative Identity Decolonization as Reclaiming Narrative Agency: Identity Work of Bengali Communities on Quora", ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022).
V.K. Cannanure, N. Karusala, C. Rivera-Loaiza, A.S. Prabhakar, R.A. Varanasi, A. Tuli, D. Gamage, F. Noor, D. Nemer, D. Das, S. Dray, C. Sturm, N. Kumar, "HCI Across Borders: Navigating Shifting Borders at CHI", CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI 2022),
D. Das, B. Semaan, "Decolonial and Postcolonial Computing Research: A Scientometric Exploration", ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW 2022).
D. Das, A.K.M.N. Islam, S.M.T. Haque, J. Vuorinen, S.I. Ahmed, "Understanding the Strategies and Practices of Facebook Microcelebrities in the Global South", 12th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2022).
D. Das, A. Podder, B. Semaan, “A Sociomaterial Perspective on Trace Data Collection: Strategies for Democratizing and Limiting Bias”, ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2022).
D. Das, M. Bhattacharyya, L. S. Gaytan-Lugo, E. Alabdulqader, N. Ahmed, “Importance of Digital Profile Pictures on Social Media Perceived by Different Groups”, ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2022).
D. Das, C. Østerlund, B. Semaan, "Jol” or “Pani”?: How Does Governance Shape a Platform’s Identity? Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2021). [Best Paper Honorable Mention Award], [Recognition for Diversity and Inclusion]
D. Das, B. Semaan, quoras: A Python API for Quora Data Collection to Increase Multi-Language Social Science Research, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2020).
A.K. Tushar, I.J. Antara, D. Das, P. Chandra, T.R. Soron, M.M. Haque, S.I. Ahamed, S.I. Ahmed, ""We Need More Power to Stand Up": Designing to Combat Stigmatization of the Caregivers of Children with Autism in Urban Bangladesh", 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2020).
D. Das, A Multimodal Approach to Sarcasm Detection on Social Media, Master Thesis.
M.R. Rifat, D. Das, M.N. Islam, S.I. Ahmed, "Microcelebrities in Bangladesh", HCI across Borders and Intersections Workshop, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019). Non-archival:
D. Das, and A.J. Clark, "Construct of Sarcasm on Social Media Platform", IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication (HCC 2019).
D. Das, and A.J. Clark, "Satire vs Fake News: You Can Tell by the Way They Say It", IEEE International Conference on Transdisciplinary AI (TransAI 2019).
D. Das, M.F. Hossain, and A.J. Clark, "Understanding the Attention Model of Humans in Sarcastic Videos", IEEE International Conference on Transdisciplinary AI (TransAI 2019).
D. Das, and A.J. Clark, "Sarcasm Detection on Facebook: A Supervised Learning Approach", 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2018).
S.A. Hossain, D. Das, A. Iqbal, A. Bosu, R. Shahriyar, and T. Ahmed, "SOQDE: A Supervised Approach of StackOverflow Question Difficulty Estimation", 25th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2018).
H.S. Ferdous, D. Das, and F.M. Choudhury, "Social Media Question Asking (SMQA): Whom Do We Tag and Why?", 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI 2018).
Dipto Das and Anthony J Clark. 2018. Sarcasm Detection on Flickr using a CNN. The 2018 international conference on computing and big data. 56–61.
M.F.R.M. Billah, D. Das, I. Karim, S. Nabila, and A. Paul, "Cost Efficient Smart Street Lighting System", International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS 2017). Non-archival:
D. Das, Question Difficulty Estimation of Stack Overflow Posts, Bachelor Thesis 2017.
A.P. Hridi, D. Das, M.M. Anjum, and T. Das. "Faster Evacuation after Disaster: Finding Alternative Routes Using Probable Human Behavior", The 7th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (ACM DEV ’16).
* Quality of venue message adopted from Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed.