Department of Information Science, University of Colorado Boulder
Part-time Assistant Teaching Professor (Fall 2024)
INFO 1301: Statistics for Information Science
INFO 2301: Quantitative Reasoning
Graduate Part-Time Instructor (Spring 2024, Spring 2023)
INFO 4609: User-Centered Design |20 students
INFO 1301: Statistics for Information Science | 45 students
Teaching Assistant (Fall 2021 - Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
INFO 1111: Understanding the World Through Data | 160 students
INFO 1301: Statistics for Information Science | 62 students
INFO 1201: Computational Reasoning 1 | 160 students
School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
Teaching Practicum (Fall 2019 - Spring 2021)
IST 649: Human Interaction with Computers | 8 students
IST 300: Digital Platforms | 25 students
IST 343: Data in Society | 86 students
IST 421: Information Visualization | 33 students
Department of Computer Science, Missouri State University
Graduate Assistant (Spring 2018 - Spring 2019)
CSC 130: The World of Computer Science | 42 students, 36+32 students
CSC 131: Computational Thinking | 43 students
Department of Computer Science, Dhaka International University
Lecturer (Fall 2017)
CSE 209: Computer Organization and Architecture | 59 students
CSE 301+302: Algorithm Design and Analysis (Theory + Lab) | 54 students
CSE 401+402: Compiler Design (Theory + Lab) | 33 students